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Cómo presentar una objeción o una refutación de una orden de manutención infantil - Albany

Esta información ha sido adaptada para el Tribunal de Familia del Condado de Albany.

Si no estoy de acuerdo con una orden de manutención infantil, ¿puedo hacer algo al respecto?

Si no está de acuerdo con su orden FINAL de manutención infantil, tiene derecho a objetar. Esto significa que puede pedirle al tribunal que vuelva a examinar los hechos de su caso. Esto se llama presentar una objeción.

Cualquiera fiesta en un caso de manutención infantil se le permite oponerse. Aquí, parte se refiere a la persona que paga la manutención de los hijos o a la persona a la que se le paga.

Who will review my case if I file an objection?

The person who made the child support order is a magistrado de apoyo (MAH-jis-trate). Los magistrados de manutención toman decisiones sobre los casos de manutención de los hijos. Cuando usted se opone, un juez del Tribunal de Familia revisa su caso.

¿Tengo que pagar manutención infantil si me opongo a la orden?

Sí. Incluso si presenta una objeción, debe continuar pagando el monto de manutención de los hijos ordenado hasta que el juez emita una nueva orden.

What documents do I need to file an objection?

To object, you will need (use this list as a checklist for yourself to gather the documents you will need):

____ An Objection to Support Order form
____ A copy of the signed, final child support order
____ A copy of the Conclusiones de hecho, if it exists.

A Findings of Fact is a written statement by the support magistrate of the facts that they used to decide the order.

You can get copies of court orders or Findings of Fact by submitting a Records Request Form at the Clerk’s Office or by mail. You must include the caption and date of the order or court appearance, along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. You must show a photo ID in person, or include a copy of your ID with your letter to the court.

You can get an Objection to Support Order form in person from the clerk’s office or from the court’s website at You can also get an objection form by sending to the court a self-addressed, stamped envelope with a request for the clerk to send you an objection form back.

The mailing address for Albany County Family Court is:
Albany County Family Court
30 Clinton Avenue
Albany, New York 12207

¿Cómo presento una objeción?

1. Gather the documents you will need to file an objection (from page 1 of this guide): an objection form, a final court order, and Findings of Fact. You will need to file a separate objection for each order. You cannot file one objection for multiple orders.

2. Type or clearly print the “caption” on the objection form exactly how it appears on the order being objected to. The caption includes the name of the case, Family Court file number, and docket number of the case. A docket number is the special identification number that every case gets. The name of the case is usually written as “the name of peticionario (pe-TI-shun-er) v. el nombre del demandado (demandado)."

3. Then, write out the reasons you disagree with the order. These are your objections. Be sure to make it clear what part or parts of the order you do not agree with.

4. Make copies of your objections and any supporting papers that you have.

5. Arrange to have a copy of your objections and supporting papers served on the other party in your case. You can have the objection served in person or through the mail. Make sure to have the person who served the papers sign the Declaración jurada (aff-i- DAV-it) de servicio y conseguirlo notariado. For more information on how to do this, please see the Family Legal Care guide “Serving Court Papers.”

6. Take or mail the original copy of your objections, the child support order, the Findings of Fact, and the signed and notarized Affidavit of Service back to the clerk at Family Court.

¿Querrá el tribunal alguna otra información?

Probablemente no. El juez podría solicitar una transcripción de su audiencia de manutención infantil. A transcripción Es un informe escrito de todo lo que se dijo en la audiencia.

¿Cómo obtengo una transcripción?

If the judge asks for a recording or transcript, you can fill out a Request for Transcript form, available in person or by mail from the Clerk’s Office. If you are requesting by mail, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with your request.

Incluso si el juez no solicita una transcripción o grabación, cualquiera de las partes puede solicitarla. El partido que lo pide tiene que pagarlo.

¿Cuál es el plazo para presentar una objeción?

If the order was mailed to you by the court, you have 35 days from the date the order was made to file your written objections. If you need more time, you must file a written request with the judge before the 35 days have expired. Be sure to explain why you need more time. You must also mail a copy of your request for more time to the other party.

¿Qué pasa si no estoy de acuerdo con una objeción que se presentó?

If you were served with a copy of an objection and you want to respond, you can file a refutación (re-BUT-tul). A rebuttal is a response to an objection. See page 3 of this guide for more information.

How long does it take for the judge to review my objection?

Generally, the timeline for a judge to make a decision on an objection is within 15 days from when the rebuttal was filed, or within 15 days from when the rebuttal was supposed to be filed if a rebuttal was not actually made. Do not be surprised if it takes much longer than this to receive a response. Many times, judges take longer than 15 days to write a decision. Also, many times a rebuttal is not filed. Just because a rebuttal is not filed does not automatically mean that the judge will agree with your objection(s).

¿Cómo presento una refutación?

1. You can obtain a form known as a Rebuttal to an Objection from the Albany County Family Court. You can get a Rebuttal to Objection to Support Magistrate Final Order form in person from the clerk’s office or from the court’s website at You can also get a rebuttal form by sending to the court a self-addressed, stamped envelope with a request for the clerk to send you a rebuttal form back.

2. Type or clearly print the “caption” on the rebuttal form exactly how it appears on the order being objected to. The caption includes the name of the case, Family Court file number, and docket number of the case. A docket number is the special identification number that every case gets. The name of the case is usually written as “the name of peticionario (pe-TI-shun-er) v. el nombre del demandado (demandado)."

3. Then, write down the date you got the objections from the other party. Also write down why you do not agree with the other party’s objections.

4. Make copies of your rebuttal and any supporting papers that you have.

5. Arrange to have a copy of your rebuttal and supporting papers served on the other party in your case. You can have the rebuttal served in person or through the mail. Make sure to have the person who served the papers sign the Declaración jurada (declaración jurada) de servicio y conseguirlo notariado. For more information on how to do this, please see the Family Legal Care guide “Serving Court Papers.”

6. Take or mail the original copy of your rebuttal and the original signed and notarized Affidavit of Service back to the clerk at Family Court within 13 days of when you got the objections.

¿Cómo sabré lo que decide el juez?

You will get a copy of the decision from the judge. If the judge changed your order, the change starts from the date that the child support petition was originally filed. If the order was reduced, this means you may get a credit toward future payments. If the order was increased, you may owe atrasos (a-REERS) para compensar la diferencia entre lo que estaba pagando y lo que ahora debe pagar. Atrasos significa dinero de manutención infantil que no se ha pagado.

¿Qué pasa si no estoy de acuerdo con la decisión de objeción y refutación?

You can file an appeal with the Appellate Division if you do not agree with the judge’s decision and order. Contact the Appellate Division or your local law library for more information. For court orders from Albany County, contact the Third Appellate Division by telephone at 518-471-4777 or by emailing The Albany County Law Library is located at the Albany County Courthouse at 16 Eagle Street, Room 406. Or email the Law Library at

Be aware that there are strict deadlines to file an appeal. An appeal must be taken within 30 days after you are served by the other party or the party’s attorney, or 35 days if the decision and order were mailed to you by the court.

Este documento no debe reemplazar una consulta con un abogado. Family Legal Care alienta a todas las personas involucradas con los sistemas de tribunales penales y de familia a consultar con un abogado.

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