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Child Support Basics – 10th Judicial District

מדריך זה הותאם למחוזות נסאו וסאפוק.

הגדרות של מונחי מפתח

משמורת הוֹרֶה: The parent living with the child most of the time. Also referred to as the residential parent.

הורה שאינו משמורן: The parent with whom the child does not live most of the time.

למה קיבלתי מסמכים לפיהם אני חייב ללכת לבית המשפט?

מישהו או סוכנות הגישו א לַעֲתוֹר in court asking you to pay child support. A petition is a request in writing to the court, asking for an order to be made.

מי יכול להגיש תביעה למזונות ילדים?

תביעה למזונות ילדים יכולה להיות מוגשת על ידי:

  • האדם המטפל בילד
  • The Department of Social Services if the child is, or was, receiving public assistance; or
  • The child (although this usually applies only to older children).

מתי מסתיימים מזונות ילדים?

In New York State, a child can receive child support until the age of 21. Sometimes child support can end earlier. Examples of when it can end earlier are if the child joins the military or gets married.

מה יקרה כשאגיע לבית המשפט?

בהופעתך בבית המשפט, א תמיכה שופט will hear the case and make an הזמנה למזונות ילדים. The order for child support is a piece of paper that tells you how much money you have to pay, how often you have to pay it, and where to send it. A support magistrate is similar to a judge and has the power to make decisions about child support and אַבהוּת מקרים. תיק אבהות הוא מיהו האב החוקי של הילד.

האם אוכל לקבל עורך דין לתיק מזונות הילדים שלי?

In general, Family Court does not give parents free lawyers in child support cases. If the non-custodial parent is the משיב in a violation petition and is in danger of going to jail for not paying, they can request a lawyer to be assigned by the court. The respondent is the person against whom a case is filed. All parties may hire a lawyer if they want to. In some cases, the support magistrate may assign a lawyer called an עורך דין של הילד to make sure that the best interests of the child are being protected.

כיצד נקבע גובה מזונות הילדים?

הסכום מבוסס על חוק שנקרא חוק תקני מזונות ילדים. First, the court  determines the הכנסה ברוטו of the two parents together. Gross income is the amount of money you earn before taxes are taken out. Some special expenses reduce your income for child support. These are known as deductions. Ordinary expenses, such as the electric bill, credit card bills, and rent, will not reduce your income level for child support. Once the court determines your total income, it uses the formula below to decide the amount needed to support the child. Note that the calculation may be different if both parents’ combined gross income is above a certain amount. The amount changes regularly. As of March 1, 2022, the amount was $163,000.

  • ילד אחד = 17% מההכנסה שלך
  • 2 ילדים = 25% מההכנסה שלך
  • 3 ילדים = 29% מההכנסה שלך
  • 4 ילדים = 31% מההכנסה שלך
  • 5 ילדים או יותר = 35% מההכנסה שלך

תידרש לשלם לפחות $25 לחודש, גם אם תקבל סיוע ציבורי.

You may be ordered to pay extra for child care and health care costs. These are called add-on expenses. You may also be ordered to add the child to your health insurance.

What happens if I have not been paying regular child support?

בית המשפט יכול להורות רֶטרוֹאַקטִיבִי support. This means you have to pay support from the date the petition was filed, even if that was long before you went to court. You can ask for credit for any payments you made after the petition was filed.

If you do not pay child support you were ordered to pay, you will owe פיגורים. Arrears are unpaid child support. If you owe arrears, the court can add a set amount to your payment until you have paid all the money you owe.

מה עליי להביא לבית המשפט?

  • A carefully completed Financial Disclosure Affidavit. This form is used to give the court information about your income and expenses.
  • תיעוד המוכיח את משכורתך, כגון תלושי שכר.
  • Copies of recent Federal and state income tax filings.
  • תיעוד הוצאות הבריאות עבורך ו/או עבור כיסוי משפחתי וגובה הכיסוי.
  • Documentation that shows your Social Security or disability benefits, worker’s compensation, unemployment benefits, veterans benefits, pension or retirement funds investments, fellowships, or annuities.
  • Information or statements about any public assistance you receive, such as Medicaid, rental assistance, or SNAP benefits.
  • Proof of expenses, such as child support paid for other children. These expenses may be subtracted from your income before the court determines your support payments.
  • If you were ordered to pay support for another child, bring a copy of the order and proof of payments you made. Some ways to prove what you have paid are receipts for money orders, canceled checks, or pay stubs showing that the support has been removed.

מה אם אני עובד "לא מהספרים"?

אם אתה עובד "לא מהספרים" או לא מקבל משכורת קבועה, בית המשפט עשוי לבסס את הכנסתך על אחד מהבאים:

  • מה הרווחת בעבר;
  • מה בית המשפט חושב שתוכל להרוויח; אוֹ
  • מהי רמת החיים במשק הבית שלך.

הסכום שעליו יחליט בית המשפט נקרא הכנסה נזקפת. אז בית המשפט משתמש בזה הכנסה מיוחסת to decide how much child support you have to pay. The court may also base the child support amount on your child’s needs.

מה אם אפספס את תאריך בית המשפט שלי?

If you miss a court date, a support magistrate can issue a פסק דין ברירת מחדל. פסק דין ברירת מחדל הוא צו שניתן כאשר מישהו לא מגיע לבית המשפט. במקרים של מזונות ילדים, פסק דין ברירת המחדל הוא צו מזונות נגד ההורה שאינו משמורן. הצו מבוסס על המידע שההורה המשמורן מסר לבית המשפט.

If you want to cancel the order, you may file a בקשה לפינוי. This is a written request asking the court to cancel the order. You must give the court a good reason for not showing up. Remember, if you cannot make a court appearance, you must file a written request to the support magistrate BEFORE your court date, explaining why you cannot appear. The support magistrate will decide what to do with your case.

מה אם אני לא מסכים עם צו התמיכה הסופי?

זכותך לומר לבית המשפט שאינך מסכים לצו. זה נקרא an הִתנַגְדוּת. If you receive a copy of the order in court the day it was made, you have 30 days to file an objection in writing. If the order was mailed to you, you have 35 days from the day it was mailed to file the objection.

You can file the objection with the clerk of the Family Court where the decision was made. A judge will decide the case. You may not have to come back to court for another hearing. However, you must continue to pay the child support until the court changes the order. The court will mail the decision to you. For more information, see the Family Legal Care guide, “כיצד להגיש התנגדות או הפרכה לצו מזונות ילדים.”

מה אם אני לא האבא?

If you were married to the mother when the child was born, the law presumes that you are the father. If you were married to the mother and believe that you are NOT the father, tell the support magistrate right away. This is called מערער על אבהות. Paternity means who is the legal father. The court must determine paternity before it can order child support. The court may order a DNA test. If the test shows you are the father, the court will issue an סדר השתייכות. This is a legal document saying who the father of a child is.

האם בית המשפט ייתן לי עורך דין בתיק אבהות?

If someone starts a paternity case against you, and you cannot afford a lawyer, you can ask the support magistrate to לְמַנוֹת a lawyer to you for free. Appoint means to give. You can also hire your own lawyer. If you start a paternity case, the court may not give you a lawyer, even if you cannot afford one.

כיצד אוכל לבצע תשלומי תמיכה?

It depends what the court order says. You may be ordered to pay the custodial parent directly or through the Support Collection Unit (SCU). If the custodial parent receives public assistance, SCU will automatically collect the support. There is a small fee for SCU services. SCU will keep track of all payments.

Remember: Always write the case number on your payment to SCU to make sure you get credit for the payment. Do not use cash – especially if you make payments directly to the other parent! Always make payments by money order or check.

מה אם SCU עושה טעות?

Go to the SCU office in your county, and ask to speak with a customer service representative. See page 5 for contact information for the local SCU offices. You can also call the New York State Office of Child Support Enforcement at 1-888-208-4485.

כמה זמן בתוקף צו תמיכה?

לאחר שהוזמנו מזונות ילדים, הם יישארו בתוקף עד שמישהו יבקש מבית המשפט לשנות אותם, לילדיכם ימלאו 21 שנים או ילדיכם. מְשׁוּחרָר. Children are emancipated if they are living separately from the custodial parent and supporting themselves, are married, or are in the military. You can file a modification petition to terminate, or stop, orders of support. Remember that you will have to show proof of these changes.

If you pay through the SCU, they automatically reconsider the case every three years. When they evaluate the case, SCU may add a cost-of-living (COLA) increase. SCU can do this without going back to court. If they do this, they will send you a letter.

מה אם אני מפרנס את הילדים שלי?

הקפד לשמור קבלות על כל תשלומי התמיכה כדי שתוכל להראות ששילמת אותם. תשלום חשבונות או קניית מתנות אינם מחליפים תשלום מזונות ילדים. עליך לבצע תשלומים קבועים. עליך לשלם גם עבור כל פיגורים שהצטברו.

מה יקרה אם לא אשלם?

Once there is a court order to pay child support, you must pay. If you do not pay, you will have arrears. Arrears WILL NOT go away, even after your child turns 21. Declaring bankruptcy will NOT get rid of arrears either. SCU has different ways to get the money from you. For example:

  • SCU can have your employer take the child support directly from your paycheck. This is called לעטר את שכרם. (By law, your employer must do this. Your employer cannot fire you because of it.)
  • SCU יכול לקבל החזר מס של המדינה או הפדרלי שלך לפני שאתה מקבל אותו. SCU יכול גם לקחת כסף ישירות מחשבון הבנק שלך.
  • If you owe more than a few months of support, SCU can suspend your driver’s license or professional license until you pay the arrears.
  • If you owe a lot of money, and SCU or the custodial parent asks the court to find that you are מפר בכוונה the support order, you could be put in jail for up to six (6) months. Willfully violating means not following the order when you have the ability to pay.

מה אני יכול לעשות אם אני מאבד את העבודה שלי או לא יכול לשלם?

If you lose your job or cannot pay for another reason – such as your income was lowered or you are going to prison – the court will not automatically change the amount of child support you are supposed to pay. If you cannot pay, you can immediately file a petition for downward modification in the Family Court where the order was made. This is a written request asking the court to lower the amount of child support you pay. To get the court to lower the amount, you must prove that a substantial change of circumstances has happened since the support magistrate made the final order

  • A substantial change of circumstance can be that you are incarcerated as long as the incarceration is not because of not paying child support or a crime against the custodial parent or child.
  • You can also ask for a modification if three (3)
    years have passed since the last order was made.
  • Also, if either your or the custodial parent’s income changed (either up or down) by 15% or more since the last order was made, you may request a modification.

When you go to court, you must bring proof that your income changed. You can ask the court to reduce your support going back to the date when you filed the petition. However, until the court makes a different order, you must continue to pay the original amount.

בית המשפט עשוי להסתכל על מה שעשית קודם ולהחליט שאתה יכול להרוויח יותר ממה שאתה עושה עכשיו. אם זה יקרה, ייתכן שבית המשפט לא ישנה את הצו.

What if I already support my children?

Be sure to keep receipts for all support payments so you can show that you have paid them. Paying bills or buying gifts does not replace paying child support. You must make regular child support payments. You must also pay for any arrears that have added up.

אם שילמתי תמיכה, האם אני יכול לקבל גם ביקור?

Not necessarily. Child support and visitation are not connected. If you have not been able to see your children, you can file a petition for visitation in Family Court. Whether or not you are seeing your children, you are still responsible for paying child support. For more information on getting visitation with your children, see the Family Legal Care guide “Custody and Visitation Basics.”

מה אם אין תיק מזונות, אבל אני רוצה לפרנס את הילדים שלי?

In general, non-custodial parents cannot start child support cases. If you want to support your children but do not know where they are, you can put the money in a separate bank account until you find them.

אם הילדים שלי מקבלים סיוע ציבורי ואני משלם תמיכה, מי מקבל את הכסף?

If the custodial parent receives public assistance, SCU will automatically collect the support. If you do not owe arrears, $100 of your monthly payment will go directly to the custodial parent. This is called a pass-through. If you owe arrears, support will go toward the arrears first. The county will still collect support payments from you even if you give money directly to the custodial parent. The county may also reduce the child’s public assistance budget to recover this “extra” money received by the family.

האם אני יכול לקחת את הילד שלי מסיוע ציבורי?

The non-custodial parent cannot take children off of public assistance. Only the custodial parent who started the public assistance case can do so.

מדוע שהורה משמורן יסיר ילדים מסיוע ציבורי?

If your income is high enough, your children may receive more money by getting support from you instead of from public assistance. For example, if you are the father of all the children in the mother’s home, and she can show that you will support them, taking them off public assistance should not be a problem. If the mother has children by other fathers on her public assistance budget, taking your children off is more difficult. The state wants all children in a household to have the same income, so the mother might not be able to take only your children off of public assistance.

לאן אני יכול לפנות לעזרה?

If SCU is working on your case, go to the SCU office in your county and ask to speak to a customer service representative. You can also call the New York State Office of Child Support Enforcement at 1-888-208-4485.

משרדי SCU לפי מחוז:

מחוז נסאו
60 Charles Lindbergh Boulevard, Suite 160
Uniondale, NY 11553

מחוז סאפוק
3455 Veterans Memorial Highway
Ronkonkoma, NY 11779

מסמך זה לא צריך לבוא במקום התייעצות עם עורך דין. טיפול משפטי משפחתי מעודד את כל האנשים המעורבים במערכות הפליליות ובתי המשפט לענייני משפחה להתייעץ עם עורך דין.

קבל עדכונים מ- Family Legal Care