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送达法庭文件 – 奥尔巴尼



To start a case in Family Court, you must file a 请愿 (pe-TI-shun). A petition is when you ask the court to make a decision about something. The person who starts a case is called the 申请人. The person on
the other side of the case is called the 受访者 (re- SPON-dent).

After you file a petition, the respondent must be told about the case. In Albany County Family Court, a copy of the petition is mailed to the respondent. If it cannot be mailed, the judge will tell the petitioner to arrange for 个人服务. This means to have the court papers handed directly to the respondent. It can also be called giving the respondent 注意 of the case. There are very strict rules about how to serve papers. If papers are not served correctly, your case will not move forward. Please check with the Albany County Family Court Clerk at 30 Clinton Avenue on what type of service is needed for your petition.


If you are the petitioner, you are NOT allowed to personally serve papers upon the respondent. Any person 18 years or older may serve papers, except a party or child in your case. The person can be a friend, relative, or anyone else. You can also hire a professional to serve the papers for you. You can do an internet search for process servers, or look in the phone book under Process Servers to hire a professional. The Office of the Sheriff will also deliver papers for a fee.



必须在开庭日期前至少 24 小时送达。



Yes. However, you will be asked if you know the current or last known address of the respondent when you file your petition. It is not the responsibility of the Clerk’s office to find out where the respondent lives or where they receive mail.


如果开庭日期到了而您无法送达文件,您应该向法官提供一份书面清单,列出您尝试向被告送达的所有方式。该列表应包括您尝试向受访者送达的日期和地点。地点可以包括受访者的家庭、工作地点或学校,或您认为受访者可能所在的任何其他地方。法官可能会为案件设定一个新的日期,并要求您继续审理。或者法官可能会说你可以用其他方式送达文件。这就是所谓的 替代服务.



• 为与受访者一起工作的人员提供服务,该人员将文件交给受访者

• 为受访者家中的某人提供服务,由其将文件交给受访者

• 在报纸上刊登广告

• 将文件贴在受访者的前门上

法官可以告诉您如何向被告送达。您必须按照法官告诉您的方式为被告提供服务。 如果法官未给予您许可,您不能以任何这些方式送达服务。

当您使用替代服务时,您还应该通过以下方式发送文件副本: 要求提供挂号信/回执 到您能为受访者找到的最后一个住所。邮局会告诉您如何操作。这个非常重要。如果被告在下一个开庭日期没有出现,您可以向法院提供一份由被告签名的挂号信收据副本,以证明他或她收到了文件。该证据与上述送达方式之一相结合,可能会让您的案件得以进展。


一个 服务宣誓书 是一张纸,向法庭表明您已按照正确的方式送达文件。宣誓书必须包括以下信息:

• 文件送达时间

• 文件送达地点

• 文件送达给谁

• 文件送达人的外貌描述

• 文件送达人的姓名和地址



送达宣誓书必须是 经过公证的。这意味着送达文件的人必须在公证人面前签署宣誓书。



You must file the ORIGINAL Affidavit of Service with the court. You should also make a copy of the affidavit and keep it with the rest of your court papers.



A 公证人或公证人,是指观察人们在官方文件上签名并获得这些人签署真实姓名的证据的人。

一些公证人在法院附近设有办公室。许多银行、律师事务所和药店都有公证人。公证人可能会对每个签名收取最高 $2 的费用。


服务于 保护令,前往距离受访者居住地最近的警察局或受访者居住的县的治安官办公室。警察或治安官将免费为您提供保护文件。向警察或治安官索要他们必须签署的特别宣誓书。




• If you are ready to go forward with your case, you may go to the court on the scheduled date and tell the judge. The judge may ask you to accept service in the courtroom. The judge will tell you about your rights, including your right to an attorney and to a trial if you and the other party cannot come to an agreement.

• 如果您还没有准备好,您可以在预定日期出庭,并要求法官稍后再定一个开庭日期。法官可能会要求您接受法庭送达。

• 如果您希望以正确的方式得到送达,您可以去法庭告诉法官您没有得到正确的送达。您可以要求法官举行听证会,了解您是否得到了适当的送达。如果法官认为您的送达方式不正确,法官可能会命令再次向您送达。

• If you are sure that you were not served in the right way, you do not have to appear, or show up, in court. But just to be safe, if you do not go to court on a scheduled date, check the court file. You want to be sure that no decisions were made when you were not there. If you are unsure about what to do, you should ask an attorney.


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