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如何在家庭法院提起诉讼 – 第五司法区



您必须首先提交一份 请愿。请愿书是指您要求法官对某件事做出决定。发起案件的人被称为 申请人。另一边的人被称为 受访者。申请人和被申请人称为 派对.


  • 虐待或忽视儿童
  • 采用
  • 子女抚养费
  • 保管
  • 监护/备用监护
  • 青少年犯罪
  • 保护令(家庭犯罪)
  • Parentage and Paternity
  • PINS (Persons in Need of Supervision)
  • 配偶赡养费
  • 探访
  • 自愿将儿童送入寄养机构


The earlier you get to court the better because you might not have to wait as long to get everything done. Try to get there by 8:30 am. You will probably have to wait on a long line to go through a metal detector.


The addresses and phone numbers of the local Family Courts appear below. You may go to the Family Court in the county in which you reside.

Herkimer County Family Court
301 N. Washington Street
赫基默, 纽约 13350
(315) 619-3400

Jefferson County Family Court
Jefferson County Court Complex
163 Arsenal Street
沃特敦, 纽约 13601
(315) 785-3001

Lewis County Family Court
Lewis County Courthouse
7660 State Street, 1st Floor
洛维尔, 纽约 13367
(315) 376-5345

Oneida County Family Court
301 West Dominick Street
Rome, NY 13440
(315) 266-4500

Oneida County Family Court
Oneida County Courthouse
200 Elizabeth Street, 1st Floor
尤蒂卡, 纽约 13501
(315) 266-4444

Onondaga County Family Court
Onondaga County Courthouse
401 Montgomery Street
锡拉丘兹, 纽约 13202
(315) 671-2000

Oswego County Family Court
Public Safety Center
39 Churchill Road
Oswego, NY 13126
(315) 207-7533




1.The clerk will give you a form to fill out and return. 带一支笔,以便您填写表格。 必须填写表格。 The Family Court Clerk will let you know what will happen next. You probably will need to make copies, so bring change with you. You should bring about $5.00 in change or five one dollar bills.

2.Please note that the clerk has to let you file your case. Only a judge can make a decision about whether or not the court has 管辖权  over your case. Jurisdiction means having the power to make a decision in a case.


带上您的请愿书副本,以及(如果适用) notarized Affidavit of Service。另外,请携带对您的案件可能重要的任何其他文件,例如出生证明、旧法院命令、照片、警方报告、收据、银行对账单和学校记录。

Try not to bring your children to court. The courthouse has a Children’s Center, but you can only leave your child there while you are in the courtroom. If possible, leave your children at home with a babysitter.




前往 部分。该部分是法庭。每个法官都有其职责。部件号可能位于您开始案件之日收到的文件上。

You will see a court officer near the part for your judge. Sometimes the officer is inside the part. Do not go into the part – wait for the officer to come out. Sometimes the officer will come out and tell everyone in the waiting room to “check in for part [#].” If this happens, and you have not already checked in, you should get in line. When

you get to the front of the line, tell the officer that you are there and that you are ready. This is called 检查 。如果警官没有喊话,您可以走到警官那里。留在候诊室,直到您的案件被传唤。







越多 证据 you have to support your statements, the better. Evidence is the information presented to prove a case. If you have witnesses (people who can support what you are saying), bring them. The judge may let them speak. Keep in mind that this is not the actual trial. If the judge does not let your witnesses speak, they may be able to 作证 (发言)在审判中,如果有的话。有时您必须多次出庭才能进行审判。



法官将发出一份 命令。命令是法院做出的决定。您应该复印订单并将其保存在安全的地方。如果您获得保护令,您可能需要始终随身携带。


您必须遵守法庭命令。在您离开法庭之前,请确保您准确了解对您的期望,以便您可以 遵守 随着订单。遵守意味着按命令行事。您可以被关押在 蔑视法庭 – 甚至被捕 – 因为 违反 a judge’s order. Violate means not follow the rules.


如果它是一个 最终订单,它一直有效,直到新案件提交法庭改变命令或特定日期或发生终止命令的事件为止。如果它是一个 临时订单,直到某个时间为止 - 通常直到下一个开庭日期为止。


If you disagree with a judge’s decision, you may appeal. An appeal is when you ask to have a higher court review (look at) your case. For more information on appealing a court decision, go to the office of the clerk at Family Court.


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