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如何对子女抚养令提出异议或反驳 – 第八司法区



如果您不同意您的最终子女抚养令,您有权反对。这意味着您可以要求法院再次审查您案件的事实。这称为提交 异议.

任何一个 派对 在子女抚养案件中可以提出反对。此处,一方指的是支付子女抚养费的人或正在接受支付的人。


不。作出子女抚养令的人是 支持法官 (MAH-jis-trate). Support magistrates, also called 听证官, make decisions about child support cases. When you object, a Family Court judge reviews, or looks at, your case.


To object, you need a copy of the signed child support order. You also need a copy of the Findings of Fact that the hearing examiner used to decide the order. A Findings of Fact is a written statement by the hearing examiner of the facts that he or she thought were important and true for making the decision. If you do not have these items, you can ask the clerk of the Family Court window how to get copies.


1. Call your local Family Court to request a form called an “objection.” Please note that not every county has a form called an objection but you can ask for more information from your local court. The addresses and phone numbers of the Family Courts located in the 8th Judicial District in New York State are as follows:

贝尔蒙特, 纽约 14813
(585) 449-3463

奥利安, 纽约 14760
(716) 379-6616

学院街 2 号 5 号套房
梅维尔, 纽约 14757
(716) 753-4351

布法罗, 纽约 14202
(716) 845-7400

巴达维亚, 纽约 14020
(585) 201-5717


Angelo Delsignore Civic Building 775 Third Street
尼亚加拉瀑布, 纽约 14301
(716) 371-4050

南大街 1 号,3 号套房
纽约州阿尔比恩 14411-1497
(585) 283-6622

华沙, 纽约 14569
(585) 228-3200

2. Based on the information you get from your local Family Court, you may be able to use a blank piece of paper to file an objection. Be sure to include the information below.

3. Type or clearly print the name and 案卷编号 of your case on the objection form or on a piece of paper. A docket number is the special identification number that every case gets. The name of the case is usually written as “the name of 申请人 (pe-TI-shun-er) v. 姓名 受访者 (重新SPON-dent)。”

4. On that same piece of paper, write out the reasons you disagree with the order. These are your objections. Be sure to make it clear what part or parts of the order you do not agree with.

5. Make copies of your objections and any supporting papers that you have.

6. Serve (向您案件的另一方提供)您的反对意见副本。您可以亲自或通过邮件提出异议。确保让送达文件的人在文件上签名 宣誓书 (aff-i-DAV-it) 服务范围 并得到它 经过公证的。有关如何执行此操作的更多信息,请参阅家庭法律护理指南“送达法庭文件”。

7. Take the original copy of your objections, the child support order, the findings of fact, and the signed and notarized Affidavit of Service back to the clerk at the Family Court clerk.


可能不会。法官可能会要求您提供子女抚养听证会的笔录。 A 成绩单 是听证会上所说的一切内容的书面报告。





You must file your objections with the court within 30 days of the date the order was made. If the order was mailed to you by the court, you have 35 days from the date the order was made to file your written objections.




提出异议的人可以提出异议 反驳 (重新但是-tul)。反驳是对反对意见的回应。


1. You may be able to obtain a form known as a Rebuttal to an Objection in Family Court or you can use a blank piece of paper. Please check with your local Family Court.

2. Type or clearly print the name and docket number of your case on the piece of paper.

3. On the same piece of paper, write down the date you got the objections from the other party.

4. Write down the objections you do not agree with and why.

5. Make copies of your rebuttal.

6. Serve the other party in your case with a copy of your rebuttal. You can serve your rebuttal in person or through the mail. You MUST serve your rebuttal and file an Affidavit of Service for the rebuttal and the original copy of the rebuttal with the court within 13 days of getting the objections.


The judge is supposed to make a decision within 15 days from when the rebuttal was filed, or within 15 days from when the rebuttal was supposed to be filed if a rebuttal was not actually made. Do not be surprised if it takes much longer than this to receive a response. Many times, judges take longer than 15 days to write a decision. Also, many times a rebuttal is not filed. Just because a rebuttal is not filed does not automatically mean that the judge will agree with your objection(s).


You will get a letter from the court with the decision of the judge. If the judge changed your order, the change starts from the date that the child support petition was originally filed. If the order was reduced, this means you may get a credit toward future payments. If the order was increased, you may owe 欠款 (a-REERS) 来弥补您之前支付的费用与现在需要支付的费用之间的差额。欠款是指未支付的子女抚养费。


You can file an appeal with the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court. For more information on how to file an appeal, please see your local family court or local law library.


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