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How to Start a Case in Family Court – 9th Judicial District

Эта информация была адаптирована для следующих округов Нью-Йорка: Датчесс, Ориндж, Патнэм, Рокленд и Вестчестер.

Как начать дело в суде по семейным делам?

Сначала вам необходимо подать петиция. A petition is a request in writing to the court. The person who starts a case is called the проситель. Человека на другой стороне зовут ответчик. The petitioner and the respondent are called the parties.

Какие дела рассматриваются в суде по семейным делам?

  • Жестокое обращение или пренебрежение детьми
  • Принятие
  • Поддержка детей
  • Попечение
  • Опека/Резервная опека
  • Подростковая преступность
  • Охранные приказы (семейные преступления)
  • Отцовство
  • отцовство
  • PINS (Лица, нуждающиеся в присмотре)
  • Супружеская поддержка
  • Посещение
  • Добровольное помещение ребенка в приемную семью

Where is the Family Court located?

The addresses and phone numbers of the local Family Courts appear below. If you do not know which court to go to, contact the clerk’s office or the free Family Legal Care Helpline at 800-696-8629.

Dutchess County
50 Market Street
Покипси, Нью-Йорк 12601
(845) 431-1850

Orange County
285 Main Street
Гошен, Нью-Йорк 10924
(845) 476-3520

Putnam County
20 County Center
Carmel, NY 10512
(845) 208-7800

Rockland County
1 South Main Street Suite 300
New City, NY 10956
(845) 483-8210

Westchester County – There are 3 courthouses:

White Plains
111 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard
White Plains, NY 10601
(914) 824-5500

131 Warburton Avenue 3rd Floor
Yonkers, NY 10701
(914) 831-6555

New Rochelle
26 Garden Street
New Rochelle, NY 10801
(914) 831-6590

Когда мне следует явиться в суд?

Чем раньше вы обратитесь в суд, тем лучше, но вам все равно придется подождать, чтобы все сделать. Как правило, большинство судов открыты с 9:00 до 17:00. Возможно, вам придется подождать в очереди, чтобы пройти металлодетектор.

Куда мне обратиться, когда я доберусь до суда?

When you get to the Family Court,go to the clerk’s office to get started.The clerk’s office can tell you next steps.

Every county except for Dutchess has a probation office that assists in completing family court forms. However, not every probation office assists with the same forms. It is best to speak to the clerk in your county first. In Dutchess County, there are other agencies that may be able to assist you.

Что будет дальше?

The clerk or probation officer will give you the forms to fill out and return. They cannot give you legal advice. Bring a pen with you. Some of the forms may need to be нотариально заверенный. This means that you will have to sign the forms in front of a notary public.

Note that the clerk has to let you file your case. Only a judge can make a decision about whether or not the court has юрисдикция. Jurisdiction means having the legal authority to make a decision in a case.

What should I bring to my first court date?

Bring a copy of your petition. Also bring any other documents that may be important to your case, such as your photo ID, birth certificates, old court orders, photographs, police reports, receipts, bank statements, and school records. You also may need to bring a notarized Аффидевит службы. This is a piece of paper that shows that the respondent was served with the petition in the correct way. You should have been given a blank Affidavit of Service when you filed your petition. The Affidavit of Service must be completed by the person who serves the respondent. Anyone 18 years or older who is not a party to the case can serve the petition. For more information on service, see the Family Legal Care guide, “Вручение судебных документов.”

Where should I go on my first court date?

When you arrive at the courthouse, you must first check in with the clerk of the court for your appearance. This is called checking in. After you have checked in with the clerk, you should then go to the court часть. The part is the courtroom your case has been assigned to. Every judge has a part. The part and the judge your case has been assigned to should be on your court papers.

Once you go to your court part, you may see a court officer outside of the part. Other times, the court officer may be inside the part. Either way, do not go into the part – wait for the officer to come out. Once the court officer is outside of the part, you should check in with them and provide your name. When the judge is ready to hear your case, the court officer will call out all of the parties’ names. While you wait for the officer to call your case, you should stay in the waiting area outside of your court part.

If you do not know where to go, you can ask a court officer or the clerk’s office. It is very important that you are on time for all of your court appearances. If you do not show up for your court date and the court does not know why, the judge can issue an order in your absence. This is often referred to as a заочное решение. A default judgment is an order that is made when someone does not show up for court. If you are the petitioner and miss your court appearance, the judge may dismiss your case.

Разрешено ли мне пригласить адвоката?

Yes. You can bring your own lawyer. If you cannot afford a lawyer, you may be able to get the court to appoint one for you for free. Whether or not you are eligible for a free lawyer depends on your financial situation and the type of case.

Let the clerk know if you would like to request a court-appointed lawyer. The clerk will provide you with an application and a Financial Disclosure Affidavit, which asks information about your financial situation. You must fill out these forms completely and accurately. The forms must also be notarized, or signed in front of a notary public. You may also sign the forms in front of the clerk. You will need the docket and file numbers for your case.

You may be required to submit supporting documentation about your financial situation. The Financial Disclosure Affidavit has a list of documents to provide. To save time, you can start to gather copies of your most recent pay stubs, federal and state tax returns, W-2 forms, and proof of health insurance and accident/life insurance. You should keep a copy of any paperwork you submit to the court.

Что, если я не смогу присутствовать на судебном заседании?

You can bring a letter that explains why you cannot attend BEFORE the scheduled court date. Take the letter to the clerk’s office. If you cannot bring a letter, you can call the court and ask how to let the judge know that you will not be able to attend the court date. You will have to contact the court after that date to find out what happened.

If you do not show up for your court date and the court does not know why, the judge can issue a default judgment in your absence. If you are the person who filed the petition, the judge may dismiss your case.

Что произойдет, когда мое дело будет объявлено?

When your case is called, you will go before the judge (or a support magistrate in child support matters). If you are requesting a court-appointed lawyer, you can start by letting the judge know about this request. Be sure to have a copy of the application, the Financial Disclosure Affidavit, and all supporting financial documents with you.

Be prepared to explain your case simply and clearly. To help you remember what you want to say, write it down before you go to court. Speak only about the topic being discussed. Judges want you to get right to the point. When you talk, the judge may stop you to ask a question or make a comment.

If you have supporting documentation you would like the judge to see, you should bring it with you to court. Sometimes the judge will review these documents and accept them as evidence in your case. Evidence is information presented to the court to support or rebut facts.

How long will my case take?

It depends. Many family court cases settle. This means you and the other party reach an agreement about your case. Sometimes a settlement may be reached after a few court appearances. Other times it may take months.

If you are unable to settle, the case may go to a trial. A trial is a formal court proceeding where each party can present evidence to prove or defend their case. It is sometimes referred to as a слушание по установлению фактов. During the trial, you and the other party will have the opportunity to speak directly to the judge. This is known as testifying. You can also present witnesses and any relevant evidence about your case. Sometimes the judge will make a decision that day, but do not be surprised if the decision is not made right away.

Что произойдет, когда дело закончится?

The judge will issue an заказ—usually within 60 days. An order is a decision made by the court. You should make copies of the order. Keep the copies in a safe place. If you are issued an order of protection, keep a copy on you at all times.

Что произойдет, если я не выполню решение суда?

Вы должны подчиняться постановлениям суда. Прежде чем покинуть суд, убедитесь, что вы точно понимаете, чего от вас ожидают, чтобы вы могли исполнять with the order. Comply means do what the order says. You can be held in contempt of court and even arrested for нарушение a court order. Violating means not complying with the court order.

Как долго длится заказ?

А окончательный заказ stays in effect until a new case is brought to court that changes the order, a specific date, or an event occurs that ends it. A временный порядок stays in effect until a certain time – usually the next court date.

Что делать, если я не согласен с решением судьи?

If you disagree with a final order, you may appeal. An appeal is when you ask a higher court to review your case. For more information on appeals, go to the Family Court clerk’s office.

If your case is for child support, you must first submit a written objection to the court before you can file an appeal. An возражение is a request for a judge to look at the facts of your case again. You must file the objection within a certain time period. For more information on child support objections, see the Family Legal Care guide, “How to File an Objection or Rebuttal to a Child Support Order».

Дополнительные ресурсы

Семейная юридическая помощь
Family Legal Care предлагает бесплатную юридическую информацию и рекомендации по семейному праву Нью-Йорка и суду по семейным делам. Позвоните на нашу горячую линию по телефону 800-696-8629 или посетите Familylegalcare.org Узнать больше.

Центр женского правосудия Пейс (PWJC)
Центр женского правосудия Пейс (PWJC) предоставляет бесплатную линию помощи и юридические услуги жертвам и жертвам домашнего насилия, сексуального насилия и жестокого обращения с пожилыми людьми в округах Патнэм и Вестчестер. Позвоните на горячую линию по телефону 914-287-0739 или посетите Law.pace.edu/wjc Чтобы получить больше информации.

Юридические услуги долины Гудзона
Юридические службы долины Гудзона предоставляют бесплатное юридическое представительство жертвам домашнего насилия, а также некоторым людям с ВИЧ или психическими заболеваниями, ветеранам, членам ЛГБТ-сообщества, пожилым людям и лицам, ухаживающим за детьми из-за жестокого обращения и пренебрежения со стороны родителей. , по делам в суде по семейным делам в округах Вестчестер, Патнэм, Рокленд, Ориндж, Датчесс, Салливан и Ольстер, включая представительство в делах о семейных правонарушениях для запроса охранного приказа, вопросов опеки и алиментов. Позвоните в приемную линию по телефону 1-877-574-8529 и посетите их веб-сайт по адресу: lshv.org.

Этот документ не должен заменять консультацию с юристом. Family Legal Care рекомендует всем лицам, связанным с системами судов по уголовным и семейным делам, проконсультироваться с адвокатом.

Это руководство было создано в сотрудничестве с Центром женского правосудия Пейс (PWJC). Для получения дополнительной информации о PWJC посетите Law.pace.edu/wjc.

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