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How to Start a Case in Family Court – 8th Judicial District

This information has been adapted for the following New York Counties: Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie, Genesee, Niagara, Orleans, and Wyoming.

Как начать дело в суде по семейным делам?

Сначала вам необходимо подать петиция (pe-TI-shun). A petition is when you ask the judge to make a decision about something. The person who starts a case is called the проситель. Человека на другой стороне зовут ответчик. Истец и ответчик называются стороны.

Какие дела рассматриваются в суде по семейным делам?

• Abuse or Neglect of Children
• Adoption
• Child Support
• Custody
• Guardianship/Standby Guardianship
• Juvenile Delinquency
• Order of Protection or OP
• Paternity – Order of Filiation
• PINS (Persons In Need of Supervision)
• Spousal Support
• Visitation
• Voluntary Placement of Child into Foster Care

Когда мне следует явиться в суд?

The earlier you get to court the better, as you might not have to wait as long to get everything done. Generally, most courts are open from 9:00am – 5:00pm. You may have to wait in line to go through a metal detector.

Где находится суд?

The addresses and phone numbers of the local Family Courts appear below. Please go to the Family Court in the county in which you reside.

Allegany County Family Court
7 Корт-стрит
Бельмонт, Нью-Йорк 14813
(585) 449-3463

Cattaraugus County Family Court
One Leo Moss Drive
Олеан, Нью-Йорк 14760
(716) 379-6616

Chautauqua County Family Court
Chautauqua Municipal Building
2 Academy Street, Suite 5
Мэйвилл, Нью-Йорк 14757
(716) 753-4351

Erie County Family Court
One Niagara Plaza
Буффало, Нью-Йорк 14202
(716) 845-7400

Genesee County Family Court
1 West Main Street
Батавия, Нью-Йорк 14020
(585) 201-5717

Niagara County Family Court
Angelo Delsignore Civic Building
775 Third Street
Niagara Falls, NY 14301
(716) 371-4050

Orleans County Family Court
Courthouse Square
1 South Main Street, Suite 3
Albion, NY 14411-1497
(585) 283-6622

Wyoming County Family Court
147 North Main Street
Варшава, Нью-Йорк 14569
(585) 228-3200

Куда мне обратиться, когда я доберусь до суда?

To bring a case regarding any of the topics covered by Family Court, find the location of your local Family Court as set forth above, and go to the Family Court Clerk’s office to get started.

Что будет дальше?

1. The clerk will give you a form to fill out and return. Возьмите с собой ручку, чтобы можно было заполнить форму. You must fill out the forms.

2. Please note that the clerk has to let you file your case. Only a judge can make a decision about whether or not the court has юрисдикция (joo r-is-DIK-shuhn) over your case. Jurisdiction means having the power to make a decision in a case.


Куда мне идти, когда я вернусь в суд?

Перейти к часть. The part is the courtroom. Every judge has a part. The part number may be on the papers you received on the day you started the case.

You may see a court officer near the part for your judge. Sometimes the officer is inside the part. Do not go into the part – wait for the officer to come out. Sometimes the officer will come out and tell everyone in the waiting room to “check in for part [#].” If this happens, and you have not already checked in, you should get in line. When you get to the front of the line, tell the officer that you are there and that you are ready. This is called регистрация. Если офицер не позвонит, вы можете подойти к офицеру. Оставайтесь в зале ожидания, пока не вызовут ваше дело.

Если вы не знаете, куда идти, спросите у судебного пристава.

Что мне взять с собой, когда я вернусь в суд?

Bring a copy of your petition and, if applicable, the notarized Affidavit of Service. Also, bring any other documents that may be important to your case, such as birth certificates, old court orders, photographs, police reports, receipts, bank statements, and school records.

Разрешено ли мне пригласить адвоката?

Да. Если у вас нет денег на адвоката, вы можете добиться, чтобы суд назначил вам его бесплатно. Обычно суд не назначает адвоката, когда вы обращаетесь в суд по делу об алиментах.

Что, если я не смогу присутствовать на судебном заседании?

You should bring a letter that explains why you cannot attend BEFORE the scheduled court date. Take the letter to the office of the clerk. You will have to check the court file or contact the court after that date to find out what happened. If you cannot bring a letter, call the court and ask how you can let the judge know that you will not be able to attend the court date.

If you do not show up for your court date, and the court does not know why, the judge can issue an order anyway. If you are the person who filed the petition, the judge may close the case.

Что произойдет, когда мое дело будет объявлено?

When your case is called, you will go before the judge. Be prepared to explain your case simply and clearly. To help remember what you want to say, write it down before you go to court. Try not to speak for a long time. Speak only about the topic being discussed. Judges want you to get right to the point. When you talk, the judge may break in to ask a question or make a comment.

Чем больше доказательство you have to support your statements, the better. Evidence is the information presented to prove a case. If you have witnesses (people who can support what you are saying), bring them. The judge may let them speak. Keep in mind that this is not the actual trial. If the judge does not let your witnesses speak, they may be able to testify (speak) at the trial, if there is one. Sometimes you have to go to court many times before there is a trial.

Не удивляйтесь, если судья не примет решение сразу. На завершение большинства дел в семейных судах уходит много месяцев.

Что произойдет, когда дело будет завершено?

Судья может вынести решение заказ. Приказ – это решение, вынесенное судом. Вам следует сделать копии приказа и хранить их в надежном месте. Если вам выдан охранный ордер, вы можете всегда иметь его при себе.

Что произойдет, если я не выполню решение суда?

You must obey court orders. Before you leave court, make sure you understand exactly what is expected of you so you can исполнять с заказом. Подчиниться – значит делать то, что сказано в приказе. Вы можете быть задержаны в неуважение к суду – and even arrested – for нарушение (VY-o-lay-ting) a judge’s order. Violate means not follow the rules.

Как долго длится заказ?

Если это окончательный заказ, it stays in effect until a new case is brought to court that changes the order or a specific date or an event occurs that ends it. If it is a временный порядок, это действительно до определенного времени – обычно до следующего дня суда.

Что делать, если я не согласен с решением судьи?

If you disagree with a judge’s decision, you may appeal. An appeal is when you ask to have a higher court review (look at) your case. For more information on appealing a court decision, go to the office of the Clerk at Family Court.

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