Helping New Yorkers access justice in Family Court since 1996.
Our Vision
We envision a world in which justice in New York State Family Court is attainable for everyone, fully and equitably—no matter who they are, where they live, or their economic status—because all families deserve the opportunity to create stability, security, and emotional well-being.
Our Mission
Family Legal Care’s mission is to increase access to justice in New York State Family Court. We combine legal guidance, easy-to-access technology, and compassionate support to help unrepresented parents and caregivers self-advocate on critical family law issues, while working on reform that improves the system for everyone.
Our Focus on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
The under-resourcing of New York State Family Court is an outcome of institutionalized racism. At Family Legal Care, we are working closely with the courts and our elected officials to address inequities that impede fair access to services and care. We are also on a journey of self-assessment and discovery as we review our internal practices and explore ways in which our systems and operations can be a more powerful lever in fighting poverty and advancing equity.
In 1996 three young lawyers fresh out of law school started their careers in the New York Family Court system, and immediately saw how people without their own lawyer struggled to get justice.
In response to this inequity, Karen Simmons, Liberty Aldrich, and Leslie Abbey decided to take action. They brought a folding table into the New York Family Court building and stationed themselves to answer questions and offer guidance. The demand was tremendous, with hundreds of people seeking their help within the first few weeks.
HOW WE HELPWe started out with a little table at Family Court and now we have a seat at the table.
Karen Simmons, Family Legal Care Co-Founder