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Serving Court Papers – 5th Judicial District

Ces informations s'appliquent aux comtés de New York suivants : Onondaga, Oneida, Jefferson, Herkimer, Oswego et Lewis.

Pourquoi dois-je signifier des documents judiciaires ?

Pour engager une procédure devant le tribunal de la famille, vous devez déposer un pétition (pe-TI-shun). A petition is when you ask the court to make a decision about something. The person who starts a case is called the pétitionnaire. La personne de l’autre côté de l’affaire est appelée le intimé (re-SPON-dent). After you file a petition, the respondent must be told about the case.

Pour ce faire, les documents judiciaires sont remis directement au défendeur. C'est appelé service personnel. On peut aussi appeler cela donner au répondant avis of the case. The court has very strict rules about how to serve papers. If papers are not served correctly, your case will not move forward.

Qui peut signifier les papiers ?

You are NOT allowed to personally serve papers in your own case. Any person 18 years or older may serve papers, except the petitioner or respondent in your case. The person can be a friend, relative, or anyone else. You can also hire a professional to serve the papers for you. They are listed in the phone book under Process Servers. The Office of the Sheriff will also deliver papers for a fee.

Quand les papiers peuvent-ils être signifiés ?

En général, tous les journaux peuvent être signifiés n'importe quel jour de la semaine sauf le dimanche. Ils doivent être signifiés au moins huit jours avant la date d'audience.

A petition that includes an order of protection can be served any day of the week, even Sunday, at any time.
It must be served at least 24 hours before the court date.

Certains documents, comme une ordonnance de justification, peuvent inclure des instructions spécifiques du juge sur le moment et la manière dont ils doivent être signifiés. Vous devez suivre exactement ces instructions.

Puis-je engager une procédure si je ne sais pas où se trouve le défendeur ?

Oui. Vous aurez le temps d'essayer de trouver le défendeur ou d'embaucher un huissier de justice pour rechercher le défendeur et signifier les documents à votre place.

Que se passe-t-il si je ne trouve pas le répondant ?

If the court date comes and you have not been able to serve the papers, you should give the judge a written list of all of the ways you tried to serve the respondent. The list should include dates and places where you tried to have the respondent served. Places can include the home, the place of work, or the school of the respondent, or any place else where you think the respondent may be. The judge may set a new date for the case and ask you to keep trying. Or the judge may say you can serve the papers in another way. This is called service alternatif.

Quelles sont les autres façons de signifier les papiers ?

Un service alternatif pourrait être :

• Serving a person who works with the respondent who will give the papers to the respondent

• Serving someone at the home of the respondent who will give the papers to the respondent

• Placing an advertisement in a newspaper

• Attaching the papers to the front door of the respondent

The judge can tell you how to serve the respondent. You must serve the respondent the way the judge tells you to. Vous ne pouvez exercer aucune de ces fonctions si le juge ne vous donne pas la permission.

When you use alternate service, you should also send a copy of the papers by certified mail/return receipt requested to the last residence you can find for the respondent. The post office will tell you how to do this. This is very important. If the respondent does not show up at the next court date, you can give the court a copy of the certified mail receipt signed by the respondent to prove that he or she received the papers. This proof, combined with one of the above ways of serving, may allow your case to go forward.

Quels papiers dois-je signifier ?

You must serve the respondent with a copy of all court papers. Often, they will include:

  • UN assignation or an order to show cause.
    A summons tells the respondent to appear in court on a certain date. An order to show cause tells the respondent to respond to certain issues in court on a certain date.
  • UN copy of the petition that you filed in court.
  • UN ordre temporaire, if one has been issued.You will also be given a blank Déclaration sous serment (aff-i-DAYV-it) de service form. You do not serve this form to the respondent. For what to do with it, see below.Before leaving the courthouse, be sure that you understand what papers you have to serve. Also, keep a copy of all of the papers for yourself.

Qu'est-ce qu'un affidavit de signification ?

Un Affidavit de signification is a piece of paper that shows the court that you had the papers served in the correctway. The affidavit must include the following information:

• When the papers were served

• Where the papers were served

• Who the papers were served on

• A physical description of the person the papers were served on

• The name and address of the person who served the papers

Si vous signifiez les documents par courrier, l'affidavit doit indiquer d'où les documents ont été envoyés et où ils ont été envoyés.

Si les documents sont envoyés par courrier certifié, vous devez joindre le reçu de courrier certifié à votre affidavit.

L'affidavit de signification doit être notarié. Cela signifie que la personne qui signifie les papiers doit signer l'affidavit devant un notaire.

Veuillez noter : la personne signifiée ne signe pas l'affidavit de signification.

Qu'est-ce qu'un notaire et où puis-je en trouver un ?

UN notaire, ou notaire, est quelqu'un qui regarde les gens signer leurs noms sur des papiers officiels et obtient la preuve que ces personnes signent leur vrai nom.

Certains notaires ont des bureaux à proximité des palais de justice. De nombreuses banques, cabinets d’avocats et pharmacies ont un notaire. Un notaire peut facturer des frais allant jusqu'à $2 pour chaque signature.

Que dois-je faire avec l'affidavit de signification?

Vous devez remettre l’Affidavit ORIGINAL de signification au juge lorsque vous vous présentez au tribunal. Vous devez également faire une copie de l’affidavit et la conserver avec le reste de vos documents judiciaires.

This affidavit is the only proof the court will accept that the respondent was served. It shows the court that the respondent knows about the case and knows what day he or she is expected to be in court. Without the originalAffidavit of Service, your case will not go forward.

Comment signifier une ordonnance de protection ?

To serve an ordre de protection, go to the police precinct closest to where the respondent lives or to the Office of the Sheriff in the county where the respondent lives. A police officer or sheriff will serve the order of protection papers for you for free. Ask the police officer or the sheriff for the special affidavit that they have to sign.

Veuillez noter qu’une ordonnance de protection temporaire ne fonctionne pas tant qu’elle n’a pas été signifiée.

Et si je n'étais pas servi correctement ?

If you were not served properly, but you know when the court date is, you have a few choices.

• If you are ready to go forward with your case, you may go to the court on the scheduled date and tell the judge. The judge may ask you to accept service in the courtroom. The judge will hear your case on that day.

• If you are not prepared, you may go to court on the scheduled date and ask the judge to set another court date at a later time. The judge may ask you to accept service in the courtroom.

• If you want to be served in the right way, you can go to court and tell the judge that you were not served properly. You can ask the judge to have a hearing about whether or not you were served properly. If the judge decides that you were not served in the right way, the judge might order that you be served again.

• If you are sure that you were not served in the right way, you do not have to appear, or show up, in court. But just to be safe, if you do not go to court on a scheduled date, check the court file. You want to be sure that no decisions were made when you were not there.

Ce document ne doit pas remplacer une consultation avec un avocat. Family Legal Care encourage toutes les personnes impliquées dans les systèmes judiciaires pénaux et familiaux à consulter un avocat.

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